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Sealpox Virus

Creative Biolabs is a first-class platform with rich experience in the field of life science. With the spread of the monkeypox virus, viruses similar to the monkeypox virus such as the sealpox virus that can cause human infection are gaining our attention. Based on integrated resources and platforms, we provide researchers and developers with comprehensive products for the virus and a full range of drug discovery solutions against the sealpox virus.

Seal Fig.1 Seal.

Background of Sealpox Virus

As the monkeypox virus is widely spreading, poxviruses are gradually coming into our attention. Parapoxviruses are a group of DNA viruses that can infect a variety of animals, produce cutaneous lesions, and lead to the systemic malaise. Human infection of parapoxviruses is normally associated with exposure to animals. Sealpox virus belongs to a separate species within the genus Parapoxvirus, which induces common infection in pinniped species such as harbor seals from North America and grey seals from Canada and Europe. The sealpox-induced disease is characterized by lesions of the skin, teats, and mucosa of the oral cavity in those seals. It has been first demonstrated that humans who have prolonged contact with or were bitten by infected seals could also be infected by the sealpox virus in 2005 (Clark, 2005). Sealpox causes painful skin lesions in humans located on hands and fingers. Sealpox lesion in humans is clinically similar to Orf and resolves gradually over time without sequelae. In order to avoid mass transmission, Creative Biolabs offers a comprehensive range of products and services for researchers and developers to investigate the virus and the anti-sealpox drugs.

Orf-like lesion on the dorsum of hand and close-up view of lesion. Fig. 2 Orf-like lesion on the dorsum of hand and close-up view of lesion. (Clark, 2005)

Sealpox Virus Services at Creative Biolabs

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is generally used to amplify the sealpox viral DNA from the biopsy specimen and compare the PCR product’s sequence similarity with other parapoxviruses. Creative Biolabs has a long-term dedication to providing a full range of sealpox virus-related services. We offer you sealpox virus products, such as recombinant proteins and peptides, antibodies, plasmids, PCR primers and probes, cell lines, etc. In addition, we also provide anti-sealpox drug discovery solutions, that concentrate on targeting the viral entry, replication, proteolytic processing, and particle egress steps. Our in vitro and in vivo platforms as well as advanced technologies enable a rapid anti-sealpox drug discovery process. If you want to learn more about our services related to the sealpox virus, please directly contact us for more information.


  1. Clark, C.; et al. Human sealpox resulting from a seal bite: confirmation that sealpox virus is zoonotic. British Journal of Dermatology. 2005, 152(4): 791-793.
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