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Prevention of Monkeypox

Creative Biolabs is a leading contract research organization (CRO) providing standard and customized monkeypox research products and drug discovery services. We have extensive experience in developing "fit for purpose" experiments.

Overview of Monkeypox Prevention

During outbreaks, the spread of monkeypox virus (MPXV) can be controlled by isolating infected animals (for at least 6 weeks from the date of last contact) and tracing their contacts. Preventing the spread of MPXV in endemic areas is extremely challenging, including avoiding any contact with rodents and primates, and limiting direct contact with blood and undercooked meat. The prior immunization with smallpox vaccine may have a protective effect against MPXV and may improve clinical manifestations of infection.

Histological lesions associated with monkeypox infection in the lung. Fig.1 Histological lesions associated with monkeypox infection in the lung. (Hatch, 2013)

High and Intermediate Degree Exposure

Moderate exposure may be recommended for surveillance. High-degree exposures are recommended to be monitored as well as receive post-exposure prophylaxis vaccination.

  • Unprotected contact between a person’s skin and the mucous membranes, skin, lesions, bodily fluids, or contaminated materials.
  • Being inside a patient’s room or within 6 ft of a patient during any procedures without wearing an N95 or equivalent respirator (or higher) and eye protection.
  • Exposures determined at the discretion of public health authorities are reclassified to this risk level.
  • Activities resulting in contact between sleeves and other parts of an individual’s clothing and the patient’s skin lesions or bodily fluids or their soiled linens or dressings while wearing gloves but not wearing a gown.

Prevention of Monkeypox Infection

Preventing the spread of monkeypox is a war fought on many fronts: On the ecological front, limiting humans’ exposure to suspect host animals must be the first step as available evidence indicates that human-to-human transmission cannot sustain the continuance of an endemic without repeated zoonotic introductions. This can be achieved by limiting people’s dependence on hosts, in particularly rodents, as protein sources and instead relying on vegetarian alternatives.

  • Pre-exposure Prophylaxis
    1. One front would be to protect at risk groups, which include health care workers, contacts of monkeypox patients, and workers in rural areas. Vaccination is recommended for specific groups of people at risk for occupational exposure to orthopoxvirus. Studies have shown that the smallpox vaccine is effective in preventing other Orthopoxvirus infections, including monkeypox. If taken early in the incubation period, it can prevent the onset or reduce the severity of the disease.
    2. Massive health education campaigns are needed to increase general awareness and to advise on proper handling of potential animal reservoir species (gloves, protective clothing, surgical mask) as well as avoiding close contact with anyone infected.
  • Post-exposure Prophylaxis
    1. Transmission of monkeypox requires prolonged close interaction with a symptomatic individual. High-degree exposures are recommended to be monitored as well as receive post-exposure prophylaxis vaccination.
    2. At hospitals in developed countries, when suspecting a case of monkeypox (eg, a patient with fever, skin lesions, and history of visiting endemic area or contact with patients), the patient should be placed immediately in a negative pressure isolation room or, if such facilities are not available, in a private room.

Creative Biolabs offers fast, comprehensive products and services from large international companies to small startups. For some companies, we have become their internal laboratory. Other clients use us to supplement their own capabilities. If you are interested in our monkeypox research products and anti-monkeypox drug discovery solutions, please feel free to contact us for more.


  1. Hatch, G.J.; et al. Assessment of the protective effect of Imvamune and Acam2000 vaccines against aerosolized monkeypox virus in cynomolgus macaques. Journal of virology. 2013, 87(14): 7805-7815.
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